It is decided by the Government to establish FTC under Superintending Engineers of different irrigation circles of Major, Medium & Minor irrigation projects with involvement and supervision of WALMI. It is planned to train 5400 office bearers of Pani Panchayats through FTCs annually from the year 2010-11.
During the financial year 2010-11, 319 trainings were conducted in 70 L.I. Sub-Divisions of Odisha in which 12,637 office bearers of L.I Pani Panchayats were trained through audio-visual mode. In this collaborative programme WALMI, Odisha conducted training of the trainers (Engineers from OLIC) who in turn imparted training to the office bearers of L.I. Pani Panchayats. Besides, the Institute Prepared training manuals and training films/ Video Lessons and supplied the same to all the18 L.I. Divisions for implementation of the training program. In the year 2011-12 it has been planned to undertake capacity building training of 20,000 office bearers of Pani Panchayats in 500 trainings to be organized in 70 L.I. Sub-Divisions of the State.
Sl. No. | Category of Training Programme | Category of participants |
I | Capacity Building of Office Bearers and strengthening of PaniPanchayats | |
A | In-campus (including State Level Workshop) and Out-campus Interactive Workshop | |
1 | Training course for Office Bearers of Pani Panchayats of Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Project on Office & Irrigation Management | Officers/Office Bearers/ Progressive Farmers |
2 | Training course for Office Bearers of Pani Panchayats of Lift Irrigation project on Office & Irrigation Management | Officers/Office Bearers/Progressive Farmers |
3 | State level Interactive Workshop for Office Bearers & Progressive Farmers of Pani Panchayat and officers of Line Department | Officers/Office bearers/ Progressive Farmers |
4 | Interactive Training for Office Bearers & Progressive farmers of Pani Panchayat on PIM and AIP (project site) | Officers/Office Bearers/ Progressive Farmers |
B | WALMI-OLIC Decentralized Training Through OLIC sub-division in Audio-visual mode | |
1 | Training course for Office Bearers of Pani Panchayats on Office & Irrigation Management | Office bearers |
C | Decentralized Training of Distant Major, Medium & Minor Irrigation Project Through Field Training centers (FTCs) | |
1 | Training course for Office Bearers of Pani Panchayats | Officers/Office Bearers/ Progressive Farmers |
II | Capacity Building on Water Resources and Irrigated Agriculture Management Aspects | |
1 | Appreciation course on sustainable water Governance & Integrated Water Resources Development & Management (IWRM) | Officers |
2 | Appreciation course on Modern Techniques for Distribution of Water including volumetric Approach, flow Measurement method & Measuring devices | Officers |
3 | Workshop on emerging Issues (climate change, rainfall, flood,natural disasters) on Water Resources Development & Management(WRD&M) | Officers |
4 | Training course on personal leadership Development and Human Resources Management. | Officers |
5 | Training course on Land Drainage for Reclamation and Management of problematic & Waterlogged Areas in Irrigation command. | Officers |
6 | Training course on survey,planning,design and Alignment of micro distribution network with emphasis on Warabandi/Water Management/Bio-Drainage. | Officers |
7 | Diagnostic Analysis and rapid Appraisal process (RAP) to identify the Extension, Renovation & modernization (EMR) needs of Irrigation project. | Officers |
8 | Training course on Approaches for enhancing Irrigation Project Efficiency including bench marking and water Auditing of Irrigation Project. | Officers |
9 | Training course on Water Budgeting, Irrigation scheduling and canal operation plan. | Officers |
10 | Training course on cultivation of Irrigated dry crop with emphasis on Water Management practices. | Officers |
11 | Training courses on crop Diversification and Resources Management in Irrigation commands. | Officers |
12 | Training course on crop management practice for Irrigated Rice crop with emphasis on system of Rice Intensification (SRI) Methods. | Officers |
13 | Training course on Assessment & Improvement of water use Efficiency of Irrigation project. | Officers |
14 | Training course on PaniPanchayat based Micro Level planning for sustainable Irrigated Agriculture. | Officers |
15 | Dam Safety Measures and Maintenance of Dams and Ash-pond | Officers |
16 | Training Course on Team Building for PIM | Officers |
17 | Training Course on Micro Irrigation and conjunctive Use | Officers |
18 | Training Course on Conflict Resolution in PIM | Officers |
III | Special Trainings on Odisha Community Tan Management Project (OCTMP) | |
1 | Training of Trainers (ToTs) Course under OCTMP for Officers of District Project Unit (DPUs) and support Organization (Sos) under the projects | Officers |
2 | Training for BC & SC Members of Pani Panchayats of OCTMPs | Obs'/PFs' |
IV | Orientation Training Programme for Newly Inducted Engineers of DOWR | |
1 | Orientation Course on Water Resources Engineering (A.Es) | Officers |
2 | Orientation Course on Water Resources Engineering (J.Es) | Officers |
V | National Level Training Programme on WRD & M/Inter-State Exposure Visist-Cum-Training Programme. | |
1 | National Level Training Course on Irrigation Management Turnover: PIM based Micro planning and Implementation for sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, Sponsored by Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM), Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. Og India | Officers/PFs' |
2 | Inter-State Exposure Visit-Training Programme on PIM in Odisha (from Haryana) | Officers |
VI | Exposure Visit of Obs' and Pfs' of PPs'/ Officers of the State to Outside the state | |
1 | Exposure Visit of Obs' and Pfs' of PPs' to show Panipanchayat activities Outside to the State of Andra Pradesh & Chatishgarh | Officers/Obs'/PFs' |
The newly recruited Assistant Engineers and Junior Engineers of DoWR were trained through Orientation and Induction training programmes of WALMI. During the year 2010-11, two such Induction/Orientation trainings were conducted during October & December, 2010 in which 57 newly recruited engineers participated. Apart from these foundation trainings, 463 nos.of Engineers of DoWR, Agricultural Engineers and Agriculture Officers participated in 26 nos.of training programme on various aspects of Water Resource Development and Management and Sustainable Agriculture.
In 2010-11, the Institute organised one Inter-State exposure visit-cum-training programmes in which a group of progressive farmers from Haryana, headed by the Government officials of the concerned state participated. The participants visited different irrigation projects of Odisha to acquire first hand knowledge on the PIM activities in the state. During the visit they had interactions with the office bearers of Pani Panchayats of the concerned projects regarding the functioning of PIM concept in Odisha.
Training of Trainers (ToTs) on Participatory Irrigation Management in Odisha was undertaken by the Institute in order to facilitate successful implementation of decentralized training programmes which were organized in collaboration with OLIC & FTC for capacity building of office bearers & farmers of Pani Panchayats of Odisha.
During the year 2010-11 WALMI has conducted two State Level Workshops on PIM in which 129 nos.of Farmers & Office Bearers of Pani Panchayats, Distributary Committees & Project Committees along with 50 nos.of officials of line departments participated. In these workshops various aspects of PIM were discussed in greater detail. Besides, information on success achieved and problems faced in the functioning of Pani Panchayats in the State were collected from the participants, which were communicated to Government for sustainability & strengthening of Pani Panchayats of Odisha and for taking appropriate policy decisions in this regard at Government Level. During the workshop one exhibition was organised inside campus where the modern technologies, agricultural implements and their application in the field of Agriculture were demonstrated.
Apart from two State Level Workshops 5 nos. of Interactive Workshops were also conducted by WALMI in different project sites in which 496 farmers & Office Bearers of Pani Panchayat along with 60 officials attended.
The National Level Training Course on “Irrigation Management Turn over : Participatory Irrigation Management based Micro Planning and Implementation for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture” sponsored by Ministry of Water Resources (CADWM), Govt. of India was organized by WALMI, Odisha, from 21st to 26th February, 2011. Twenty three nos. of participants attended the training. There were six participants from Andhra Pradesh & one from Rajsthan. Other 16 participants were from DoWR, CADA & WALMI, Odisha.
Five resource persons from WALMI, Odisha and twelve resource persons from OUAT, DoWR, CADA, CAD-PIM Directorate, DoA, NABARD, SAMO, Revenshaw University, PRA Experts including two Farmer Leaders had imparted training and shared their experience to the participants. The valedictory function was attended by Dr. Rabinder Singh, Senior Joint Commissioner, CADWM, MoWR, Govt. of India
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